Nachdaily: 5 Minute Perek Of Tanach Covering The Entire Navi. Sefer Yehoshua, Shoftim, Shmuel, Melachim, Yeshaya, Yirmiya, Ye

Breslov: (31) It's Not So Complicated | Ayeh (Part 1) | Shaya Sussman, LCSW



In this class we begin Rebbe Nachman's famouse lesson called Ayeh? We begin by learning about the main thing in Judaisim is to serve God with great simplicity. Sources: Lekutey Maharan Tinyana Lesson #12 Sichos Haran Lessons: 33, 36, 101 _ Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Masters in Education with a special focus on Leadership (MA) Certified Addictions and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC-T) Rabbinical Ordination (Smicha)