Marinate On That




Stop making lemonade! When life gives you lemons, detox that shit out. Lemons and Truth are very similar. Lemons detox the body providing solutions to health-related problems. Lemons contain antiseptic and natural medications that eliminate toxins. This little, yellow... yet powerful citrus fruit has a variety of health benefits! Comparable, the truth is powerful in itself and is necessary to fulfill your life's purpose. The truth exposes details about others and ourselves. There are events that (we rather not) live through again and fear to face when confronted with the truth. We hold the truth in for several reasons. For example, we may be embarrassed, ashamed, afraid of conflict, even brainwashed into believing another person's truth is our truth. Furthermore, a person's ego can prevent them from recognizing the truth. How? Well, in most cases we identify the ego as arrogance (a big ego, a jerk) but the ego also can cause us to feel subordinate at times. So what do we do with these toxins? We conceal t