Marinate On That

College Isn’t for Everybody, but Education is Necessary!



College Isn’t for Everybody, but Education is Necessary! Guest Cris Laniese, Visual Artist In the beginning, we were taught to only focus on one intelligence. Throughout out early childhood education (development), our intellect and skill level has been measured by man-made test and our intelligence is compared to other students. Over time, we begin to believe these results which overcast our true gifts and hinder our potential. (Read about finding your true self.) I've experienced the corporate world, holding down positions that required degrees, but my past work and volunteering experiences landed me the position. I view my life as a college education; the dictionary defines education as an enlightening experience. I've enjoyed my enlightening experiences and in the same breath consider myself a lifelong learner. Many cease the opportunity for learning and stop studying after the college experience; this is damaging to the mindset. Utilizing my time to understand new theories, ideas and facts excite me.