Urban Teaspoon

Episode 7 (High School Protest, a Personal History)



The recent shooting and student response protests have brought up some old and new thoughts about my personal experiences protesting as a high school student and the law. This episode contains a lot of hearsay and is not the result of research but the experiences lived through and stories shared by alums of the school. In order to keep within the ten minute constraint set for each episode a lot had to be left out including some comments on the racial, ethnic, and socio-economic diversity of the school which was a considerable range during my personal tenure. There could still be clear distinctions and social divisions between groups (athletes, theatre kids, South Asians, African Americans, etc.) despite friend circles that did not adhere to these categories. References Rosenberg, Jennifer. “The Columbine Massacre.” ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/columbine-massacre-1779624 Router, Jef. “The Apparently Immoral Shoulders of My Five-Year-Old Daughter.” Houston Press. http://www.houstonpress.com/arts/t