Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Twitter Listening Your Way To Success with Matt Diederichs from Hootsuite



In this episode I chat with Matt Diederichs. He’s the Community Growth Coordinator at Hootsuite. He devotes his time on Twitter building engagement, loyalty and advocacy for the Hootsuite brand. He says Hootsuite’s #1 platform for customer engagement is Twitter. I have a soft place in my heart for the company because I’ve been using them since its inception many years ago. It makes using Twitter so much easier. Matt and I met recently on a great Twitter chat called #MediaChat Thursdays 10pm ET. We’re both big fans of Twitter chats. It will come as no surprise that Matt helps run the wildly popular Hootsuite Twitter chat #HootChat Thursdays 3pm ET. In this episode, here’s what Matt covers: Get really good at Twitter listening. Have a listening first perspective. At Hootsuite they listen for brand mentions: @Hootsuite, Hootsuite and misspellings. Before you build a content and publishing strategy, build a listening strategy and look for opportunities to join conversations. Twitter has matured to the poi