Wife Of An Alcoholic: Recovery | Loving An Alcoholic | Codependency| Michelle Lisa Anderson

How To Let Go of Anger When You Love an Alcoholic or Subatance Abuser



You might be feeling angry or like your life is out of control sometimes. You are mad at yourself for staying with your partner. And you can hate him or her at times when they break your heart because once again you trusted them and once again he or she lied. But you don’t really hate your partner. You love him or her. Deeply. If you didn’t love them, you wouldn't care. That’s why you feel so angry. A girlfriend of mine from college is married to one of my favorite men in the world, who happens to be a recovering alcoholic. He told her, "We hate ourselves enough for everyone. You don't need to hate us too." Whatever is in your heart determines what you say. You know who said that? Jesus. And it’s so true. Most of the time we can attempt to muster up all the willpower in the world to control our anger, but it’s not enough. We still end up yelling, guilt-tripping, lecturing, and letting loose on our loved one. Who wouldn’t when you live with this kind of craziness? It's okay to feel angry. But, if you want to