Wife Of An Alcoholic: Recovery | Loving An Alcoholic | Codependency| Michelle Lisa Anderson

3 Biggest Lies When Loving An Alcoholic or Substance Abuser



One of the biggest things to remember about the disease of addiction is that it loves to lie to you. Addiction has no shame either - it will lie straight to your face and use the one you love most to get the biggest impact. Here are three of the biggest lies to look for when you love an alcoholic or substance abuser. 1. It is my fault he drinks too much. It was much easier to blame myself for my ex-husband's drinking issues than to think he was out of control. I was willing to take the blame. To own the responsibility. It was my fault. Somehow, some way… I caused this to happen. What a scam. What a big fat lie this disease tries to make you believe. Are you taking the blame, my sweet friend? Are you owning your partner's baggage? You can’t do that. You’ve got to lay it down. Because last time I checked, you weren’t holding a bottle up to your loved one's mouth. You weren’t the one buying drugs or suggesting he or she goes out to party. Your reactions to your partner's disease are NOT the reason he or she tur