Wife Of An Alcoholic: Recovery | Loving An Alcoholic | Codependency| Michelle Lisa Anderson

How To Love Yourself While Loving An Alcoholic



I met my first husband in high school. At the time, I was broken. I didn't have a super traumatic childhood like some people, but I was definitely lacking love and attention and seeking approval from the wrong crowd as a result. I also really, really cared about people. Their pain was my pain. Even if it was a conversation with a stranger sitting next to me on a train. For that hour-long ride, I would listen as they told me about their sister dying. Or the woman I just met in the waiting room telling me about her husband fighting a war in a foreign land. My heart hurt for them. And that’s okay. Some people believe this would be a sign of codependency. And maybe it is. But it’s nothing I would choose to change about myself. I love that God gave me the gift of empathy and compassion for others. Listening to someone who has the courage to be vulnerable with a total stranger is a privilege that should be honored. And my guess, sweet listener, is that you have that gift too. You are the kind of woman who feels oth