

I often talk about one of the ways this community is different - we believe you’re not powerless over this disease. And for those of you who know me and have been listening to the podcast or reading our blog for a while, you might be thinking “Yeah, Michelle I know. I’ve heard you say this so many times.” Here's another way our community is different: We believe that codependency can be a very good thing. Yes, it’s true. Codependency practiced with the right people at the right time can be a huge gift. Here are three benefits of codependency. 1. When everyone else has walked away, you stay to help. Here's an example: let’s pretend we’re running a marathon. There is a moment in the race that some runners hit where their bodies just give out and they literally collapse. It’s not an uncommon scene in the last five miles of a marathon. But what is uncommon is the runner who stops her race and forgoes her own time to help the person next to her who is struggling. Most people train for an event like this for years,