

Today we are going to talk about the top three ways to get your partner to stop lying to you. Let me start off by asking you a question: Have you, my sweet listener, yelled, screamed, pleaded and begged, bargained, counseled, and done everything else you could possibly think of to get your loved one sober? You are exhausted and resentful that you stay up late into the night worrying and trying to figure out how you can help while your partner is lying there passed out on the couch from another night of drinking or drugs. And tomorrow he or she will probably wake up and act like nothing happened - meanwhile, you feel like your heart was just ripped out. You try to talk to them, doing your best to let them know just how awful he or she was last night. How much they hurt you. And how they broke their promises (again) to stop drinking or using drugs. After some denial, he or she sits there and listens to you and watches you get all your feelings out. You present a long-winded, detailed, vulnerable, honest monolog