Wife Of An Alcoholic: Recovery | Loving An Alcoholic | Codependency| Michelle Lisa Anderson

2 Simple and Powerful Boundaries For a Happy Thanksgiving



The holidays are usually so difficult when you love someone who drinks too much or suffers with substance abuse. While everyone is excited to celebrate, attending all the holiday parties, and planning for a perfect celebration, somewhere in the back of your mind you’re just worried how much your partner is going to drink. You’re feeling anxious that he or she won’t be able to hold it together. You may feel like you’re walking on eggshells and waiting for the moment you smell alcohol on their breath. Or perhaps you’re just hoping and praying you won’t be receiving a phone call or text message telling you he or she is going to be coming home late. So instead of spending your time worrying, I want you to have a wonderful holiday if your partner drinks or not (yes, it’s possible). I’m going to share a few helpful tips about boundaries that will help you celebrate this holiday season with a full heart and a deep gratitude. I know we spoke about boundaries last week, but I want to really cover the basics because i