Wife Of An Alcoholic: Recovery | Loving An Alcoholic | Codependency| Michelle Lisa Anderson

Looking for God to Tell You What to Do? This Will Help.



Do you overcomplicate things in your life?   Maybe you make a decision only to doubt if it's the right one? Do you stay stuck in your situation because you're afraid if you step out in faith it will be too soon or too late? Or the wrong step? Use this checklist to make your next decision and see if your plans match God’s will. Take action immediately. Move forward with courage and strength. You have His permission. You have God's promises. What more confirmation do you need? How to Make Your Next Decision: If it's kind - it's God’s will. If it's an act of strength and courage - it's God’s will. If it's moral - it's God's will. If it's honest - it's God’s will. If it's loyal - it's God's will. If it's fair - it's God's will. The details don't matter. It's very simple. When faced with a decision, I remind myself of these promises: God promises protection. He will be my bodyguard. God promises wisdom. He will keep an eye on me. I was given a spirit of power and love and a sound mind.   And so were you.  Let’s