Master Your Story

Ep 040 - Meet Babs Hogan: The Healthy Cheese Lady



I've spent a long career working as a health and fitness professional focusing mainly on preventing disease. Eighty percent of chronic diseases are actually preventable, so I spent years learning how to help people make long-term, healthy changes in their lives. The science related to behavior change is complex because each person is different. As an educator, personal trainer, health coach, and writer, I've learned to use a variety of tools to motivate people. In terms of health today, the biggest obstacle is perception, regarding how we view dietary fat. There's a "perceived" belief that dietary fat is unhealthy and a "real" view based on facts.  Since the 1970's we were told (erroneously) that high-fat and high-cholesterol foods were going to kill us. I believed it for almost thirty years! New science tells us otherwise. Books written by NinaTeicholz, Gary Taubes, and David Perlmutter, M.D., have unraveled the mystery concerning fat, cholesterol, and health. They have debunked all of the old beliefs. As a