Master Your Story

Sweetie Berry



Life is a plot change isn't it?  We are ever growing, changing, and being changed as time marches on.  Perspective is important as is emotional maturity. Our story is ever changing and in the best situations, we are ever growing.  Our stories internally are the foundation of who we believe ourselves to be. When we use tools like journals, jot notes, and captures on audio, we have the ability to re examine what we thought, what our perspectives were, and to align to the present with current perspectives.  The stress and/or excitement or emotion of an experience may color our experience memory, and in reviewing it later, we may realize new perspectives and/or more accurately recognize what was happening when the stressors were not present. Your story matters. My story matters. We learn from who we've been, who we are, and what we experience with others.  Learn to listen to what you are saying, and sometimes to what you're not saying. What labels, perspectives and descriptors are you using? What excuses do you m