

I'm excited to bring you my first live interview, held in my office with Jace Siderius sitting right next to me. Jace was one of my first athletes I've ever trained, and it's incredible to witness his progression in all aspects of his life categories. We cover important topics such as realistic goal-setting, pushing your limits, and squashing your doubts. Jace may be young, but the steps he takes are out of pure confidence... meticulously taken for ultimate growth. Take notes! Some Questions I Ask: How do you define "confidence"? With general misbeliefs in mind, what do you believe about "failure"? During the summer before your senior year of high school, what were you aspiring to do at that time? Any specific goals set for yourself? Why is big-goal setting better than settling for "realistic" goals? Explain what "frontloading" is... what does it do for you? Were there any negative emotions you came across in the midst of reaching your goals? What helped you bounce back from your short phase of doubt/negativ