

I’m excited to present to you, the KEYS TO BEING FEARLESS. In Part 1 of our mini-series, we cover cognitive biases, understanding how your brain works, and the power of conditioning your mind. Many things in life will present themselves as obstacles, and it’s important that we train our subconscious to go against the grain, rather than run away and hide. CONQUER your life. Live FEARLESSLY. Day one begins now! Time Stamps: (1:20) Approach your life FEARLESSly (2:35) My definition of FEARLESS (the ability to do what you must do, in spite of what you do) (4:04) What to expect over the course of the next four episodes (4:49) Understanding your BRAIN | BOOK: “Performing Under Pressure” (10:03) Sigmund Freud’s concept of “The Pleasure Principle” (11:28) Understanding Freud’s concept as an athlete/performer (12:16) The misconception of fully “listening to your emotions” (13:10) Your instincts will lie to you… Condition your mind! (14:27) We have a primitive fear of nature | BOOK: “50th Law” (14:47) Are your current