Go Hunt Life

E036 Family of 4 Cycles 17,285 Miles to the End of the World - Nancy Sathre-Vogel



Nancy Sathre-Vogel and her husband were career teachers when her two 10 year old boys came up with a plan. The family had always done bike rides together and even long bike rides but nothing like this cycling journey. They were on the pursuit of a cycling adventure and a modern day exploration of cultures and countries. This was their motto: "What would you do if you were not afraid?" - Nancy Sathre-Vogel: Author, Cyclist, Teacher and Mother. The family put a plan together for them to sell everything they owned, rent out their house and ride their bikes from Prudhoe Bay Alaska to the southern tip of Argentina, 17,285 miles. They were hoping to do it in 2 1/2 years, it took them 3. They camped most of the nights and also relied on friends and strangers for shelter and food. This conversation is unique for a few different reasons compared to most of my other guests because Nancy and her family had a definitive end point. The tip of Argentina. This dramatically changed the conversation when we discuss this part