Go Hunt Life

E037 Lifestyle Reboot by Running 59 Marathons in All US National Parks - Bill Sycalik



Bill Sycalik had the stark life re-evaluation when he said, "my lifestyle wasn't FEEDING me, it was feeding ON me." and needed a lifestyle reboot. He was living the New York City life. He was a successful management consultant living the experience riding the subway into Manhattan, working 12 hours a day then hitting happy hours, restaurants and live music. Bill quit his NY life in the summer of 2016 to go on a pursuit of self discovery through a transformational lifestyle reboot. He re-lives his feelings of being relieved to quit his job but also him being afraid of walking out on the only life that he had ever known. His comfort bubble was exploding and he was the one doing it. What the hell am I doing? His current profession? Chief Running Officer for his own initiative, the National Parks Marathon Project, where he is running a marathon in all 59 US national parks. His self supported and self funded quest to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the national parks service. How many parks has he run so far?