Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 41 - Slippery Dick



Things said on this week's Solid Cat: "No one benefits when your boobs are on the sides of your belly button;" "Disco Viking;" "Didn't you take French in college?" and "The last thing I want to deal with is a foot long slippery dick" (spoiler alert: that last zinger has nothing to do with penises). And in between these gems, it looks to be quite the mediocre show. We issue the Solid Cat general apology. We fail to grasp the fascination of King Taco. Val fights with her snuggle. We review the latest offering from Old Spice. We do some bra research. We spotlight fellow podcasters. We also spotlight shampooers, a real profession. Irish potatoes are just potatoes. Once again, it's Pyramid on Solid Cat Game Night. We drop another Littlest Hobo reference in passing. We salute young treehuggers. Slippery Dick is not the same as Spotted Dick. We review urinal etiquette. Val laments the length of the last Robert Jordan Wheel of Time book. Vaginal Dryness would be an awesome band name (and D-mo confirms he owns persona