Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 49 - with Special Guests Matrice and Josiah



We have the return of Matrice, and introducing Josiah, to the latest Slumber Party of Podcasts, SOLID CAT! We're on a quest for comedy that's going to fail miserably, and Val's accused of walking the streets of the world (hey now!). We ask if lady Mormons are called Mormaids? We learn about Juneteenth, and we have the Attack of the Car Alarms. Do honorary doctorates get you honorary jobs? This week's hashtag is #cockbucket which led us to the child's game, Mr. Bucket. To win, you gotta put your balls in Mr. Bucket. Seriously. We also highlight Kebang from Shambawanga and drop a The Count reference from Sesame Street. Is Pacific Rim just a live-action Neon Genesis Evangelion movie, and we talk too much about the Power Rangers. Hey, it happens.