Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 50 - Podcasting while Driving



It's the big FIVE - OH for Solid Cat, as we reach Episode 50. The Slumber Party of Podcasts hits the road, literally, as we podcast while driving (please don't try this at home). Plus, we have the added plus of this being the first episode with an appearance by Zoe, the Danger Diva. It's really like you're taking a road trip with the three of us... while we try to record a show. How will it sound? That's up to you. But in this week's podcast, we discover our car's turn signals are really loud, and traffic is noisy. We credit Newbsradio for helping Solid Cat across Canada. We ask, what noise does a muskox make? We talk beer cans, and stumble upon a farmer's market. We have lunch at Chronic Tacos, and someone says, "disturbingly healthy." We find out Val's dream vacation. And we issue the Solid Cat General Apology, while pleading with humanity not to live up (or down) to the stereotype.