Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 51 - Mo' with Zo



On the Slumber Party of the Podcasts, we bring back Zoe, the Danger Diva, for a second week. And though she was gung ho for it before we recorded, she seemed less interested when the mic was on. Kids. We review a Rapunzel ballet. We wish you a happy solstice. We thank the internet for movie spoilers. You get a real slice of the life of us. We tweet with Food Network and Naturebox. "I'm an apple snob." Some people walk like chimps. The world will always need daredevils. Zoe tells "jokes." The UN urges insect eating. "Raccoon kabobs." Nude swimmers and prude swimmers. And waterbeds are evil. It's a short episode this week, but we manage to fill it with mediocrity.