Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 58 - Sexytime



The Slumber Party of Podcasts is back again, and this time, the Slumber Party is both nerdy and sexy. It's a packed show, but does that mean it's a boring show? First up, Solid Cat is now a proud member of the Wicked Radio Network. In a related story, Solid Cat is a member of the Broadcast Basement Fantasy Football League. Lots of podcasting love all around. Back at the show, we order up a plate of Fettucini I-Knew-It-Was-You-'Fredo. We chastise people who don't exercise their fashion responsibility to their friends. We learn that even if you're dead, you might not be. We might get a visit from Child Protective Services. Zoe is not a Latina. Pico Rivera: come for the salsa, stay for the menudo. A single ninja > many ninja. We have Final Friday reference two weeks in a row. To kill crazies, we learn you need to cut off the heart, stake the heart, and burn the body (safety first!). In our new segment, Sexytime with D-mo & Val, we investigate dudoir photography. Jet Noir. Stop duck facing. We learn D-mo's le