Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 59 - Titty Poppins



Somebody left the soapbox out, and on a hot day, someone is going to use it. In this week's sassy Solid Cat Podcast... you can't pass up free hot dogs, the Danger Diva wants to punch a fish in the face, and we have Archery Talk with Val (#archerysnob). The world descends into hell when raccoons have opposable thumbs. Why is steampunk popular? We introduce Mary Poppins' much more popular cousin, Titty Poppins. Her companion is Fat Bert, not Gay Bert. "How many puns can we squeeze into this bit?" Tom Hanks in a 'stauche is still Tom Hanks. WickedCon2014. We have some soccer sheep slaughter and giant cabbages! We dissect twerking (we're also educational). Remember, you don't have to be skanky to be sexy; be smart, don't overdo it, sexy is an attitude not an appearance. We judge the Jesus pie. Val & D-mo sing duets of You Light Up My Life and Blinded By The Light. Afternoon Delight could be a tasty sandwich. Muskrat Love? And we explain the trifecta of douchebaggery. So this week's Slumber Party of Podcasts i