Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 61 - Drink Your Tears



This week's Slumber Party of Podcasts needed a donut run before it started, but Solid Cat covers the spectrum today. We hit up some Gilbert and Sullivan. D-mo illustrates how awesome a guy he is. Val makes weird noises. We highlight random bits o' violence. We're going to drink your tears. She shine the spotlight on rugby ass-play and squirrel tackles. We have fun with Biscuits, Nuts, Flying Squirrels, TinCaps, and Manatees. "I don't have time to smoke a pig." In Sexytime with D-mo & Val, we talk toys. In From the Dojo, we talk diets. It's Goat Week! There is dating for farmers. Mollie B's Polka Party is like Soul Train... for polka. And we waste 90 minutes on The Wizard of Baghdad. Not a euphemism. Oh, and we're going to drink your tears.