Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 63 - Fashion Week



It's Solid Cat Time! This week's Slumber Party of Podcasts is totally unplanned; seriously, D-mo and Val did zero planning for this show, and we can't really tell. To start, Val pulls "a Shasta." We question the legitimacy of Urban Tarzan, as a chimp is hopped up on scissor. We look older than our age. It's Fashion Week, with all that that entails. We spitz on some Eau de Toast, 'cause hey, bread is beautiful. D-mo smells like rye bread. We spend too much timing linking bread and sex. It's National Taco Day. Driving damages ovaries. We've got broccoli-theme soccer jerseys. Project Runway reviews and picks. There's syrup in Sexytime. If older women on the prowl are "cougars," older Mexican women on the prowl are "jaguars." We despise the fast food upsell. Athens is crowd-sourcing dinner. WickedCon is coming. And yes, we're still drinking your tears. #sadturtle