Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 66 - Candy Cannon



Get your kicks on Episode 66 of Solid Cat. On this week's Slumber Party of Podcasts, we've started introducing the Danger Diva to Harry Potter, and though she's only 5, she'll be probably be sorted into Slytherin. We wonder why everyone disses Hufflepuffs. Val thinks her Petronas would be a dog, but would like it to be a manatee. "Expecto Petronum... it's a sea cow!" D-mo thinks his Petronas would be a bear, but Val thinks his is more "thunderbirdy." Solid Cat All-Star, Eleni, checks in from London with a review of the Shunga art exhibit we talked about on last week's show. We have a surprisingly large amount of baseball news. We talk about the most awkward moments with our parents, and as parents. I.M. Ripe is great for fruit, but not for man. We start The Beginners Guide of the Space Cowboy Kitchen where we teach people how to boil water... seriously. Old ladies love to run their fingers through D-mo's hair. Trick-or-treating for soup. And this episode reaches its climax with the Halloween Candy Cannon. It'