Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 72 - The Chivas Diatribe



It's a fresh new take on Solid Cat, as we roll out new music across the podcast. And though, that may be the highlight, there is a full show waiting for you inside. Robot voices makes us seem less pompous. Val's the president of the Screen OVERactors Guild. We're teaching the daughter to dunk. We spotlight D-mo's "Arsenal of Freedom." Bizarre, random Simpsons reference. D-mo sings through awkward pauses to fill dead air. Val sometimes forgets she does a podcast. Naked foosball is dangerous. "Chiquita" might be the new slang for cocaine. Is there a Velveeta shortage? "The Purge" is real in Peru. "You got Knuckles McGee over here..." D-mo gets on his soapbox and unloads his Chivas USA diatribe. Val goes to an "Outlander" panel. #PocketJamie. And then, D-mo & Val have a heated discussion about this week's Paws Up! recipient. But we end with steel drums, and who doesn't love steel drums.