Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 75 - International Incident



This week, Solid Cat, the Slumber Party of Podcasts, is also the International Podcast of Mystery. We highlight the use and irony of t.A.T.u.'s music for the Russians during the Sochi Olympics. We have a non-English speaker from Greece, with no concept of American Football, adeptly call out that the Broncos blew, and we learn why D-mo rooted for the Seahawks. We toss a #historyjoke. Saucy Siri returns to the show and we wonder if she's American or Chinese, her unedited answer will surprise you. The CW is full of pretty people. In Celebrity Death Corner, we learn the method actors are hardcore... dangerously so. Our mottos: "Adventure awaits," and "There's no such thing as 'pot-committed.'" We drop some sound Vegas gambling advice. We learn real names of real people. We tell you how we got our new phones for free. And now, Solid Cat is on Pinterest... and whatever that entails. Oh, and did we mention Solid Cat's Senior Entertainment Correspondent, Matrice, is back on the show? Well, she is.