Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 80 - Foodies



Solid Cat is quaketacular as we rock and roll this week's episode. D-mo woefully botches a historical reference on the Treaty of Versailles. We have a sad case of animal rape, but an uplifting take of the sheep-shearing Olympics. Assassin's Creed makes a return. Visit the website and meet the Solid Cat All-Stars. General Apology Time. Then we enter the "Age of the Celebrity Chef" and take foodie on Vegas and Michelin stars. Apparently chefs err on the side of innovation with fossilized Mongolian horse dung. There are also cupcake vending machines. Solid Cat is proud to be part of Nerdpocalypse. There is a bridal shower recap, a bit of Fair Play, and does Val's hair look like George Washington's? Some days were funny; other days were just chatty. This may be one of those "other" days. But hey, this is Solid Cat.