Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 84 - Pillow Fight



We finish with hookers, but we start with lightsabers, again, on this week's Solid Cat. You've got to watch out for nerd posers and militant nerds. "I can feel women's eggs drying up in their ovaries as you speak." Let's talk about the guy that created Wonder Woman; let's just say double fisting is involved. "Making it into puppetry, that's where it went awry." We talk about a killer's love connection. We salute the James Beard Award winners. And they are double-cocking in France. From the Dojo, we talk about pillow fights... for a good 4 minute bit. Sexytime with D-mo and Val returns and we talk porn preferences vs. real-life preferences, and D-mo says "Dead Sea Scrotums." Also returning is Solid Cat Game Night. Chocolate chip cookies should really be the official cookie of the United States. There is a Mariachi Magician, and the greatest goal celebration in soccer, ever. We discuss horn etiquette and turkey gloves. Did we really pack all this into one episode? Yes we did. This is Solid Cat.