Solid Cat

Solid Cat - Culture Vultures



It's D-mo's 40th Birthday celebration on Solid Cat! We start with Shakespeare and we finish with German Expressionism, but in the middle... we're podcasting in the daytime (shock), Val sounds like a southern belle when off air, and Val is the personification of the Dead Sea. Romeo is a whiny little bitch. Zoe interrupts us, repeatedly. We people watch at the theatre. We talk Wonder Woman, and the Great Alaskan Bush Company. We have hot volleyball players and accident penis amputations. For his birthday, D-mo had a celebratory birthday at Jack in the Box. There is a muscular guy at the pool, and we discuss Howard-Hughes-isms. Val has a hippie mom and a sailor dad. We hit two museums and reference a third. We recite our General Apology, and share some motivational memes. "Why am I slow clapping?" This is Solid Cat.