Solid Cat

Solid Cat: Charging Beavers



Frothy things are always good things, and so is SOLID CAT. This week: did D-mo just compare himself to Mel Torme? "Mistress of Pajamas" really is a boss nickname. What is the Giant Floating Disembodied Head... named Steve? It's Dr. Whoutlander Day, and Val is trying to make that happen. Val is having problems with fingering her apps (wait, what?). There was a lack of Whitesnake jokes where there should have been. The Great Sock Mystery is solved! The world's largest dinosaur is found, and otters are a keystone species (SCIENCE!). Sexytime with D-mo & Val returns... Dutch style. We finish with boobs, boobs, and boobs, and then D-mo gets on his sexy soapbox. Didn't know soapboxes could be sexy? They are on Solid Cat!