

I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by Failure. It’s a word, that usually has a thought or two with it. What comes to mind for you? That you’ve failed? It’s done? Over? No chance for redemption? Are there other emotions that come up with that word? What if we simply reframe the way we see and think about that word. Common analogy - when a baby learns to walk, or starts to learn, we don’t give up on her when she tries those first steps and falls to her knees. No, we cheer for her, pick her back up and immediately encourage her to try again. Why is it different in your network marketing business? With a prospect? Someone who says no? It’s not. You are just choosing to make it mean far more than what it is - Simply a chance to learn, grow and get better. You’ve probably heard - Fail your way to success. You’ve probably heard that from some people who have done just that. That is why they say it. They know it’s true. Will you shift your belief about failur