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[SSW411] Email Marketing or Social Media for Your Social Selling Business



Are you a Social Seller? This would be anyone who is using digital tools to creates leads, team partners and make sales. Network Marketing, Direct Sales, Party Plans, Coaches, Authors, etc. Why NOW, more than ever, Email matters for your Direct Sales/Network Marketing Business! I interview Jena Bagley of Aweber, covering some Tips and Tools, and why I have personally had an email list since 2000. Jena and I met on Clubhouse and now run a regular room on Best Email Marketing Practices. Show Notes: We cover: The risks of relying ONLY on Social Media as your business platform How to combine the two for the best results Lead Magnets or "Freebie" as a tool Landing Pages Best Practices to Build Know, Like and Trust With Your Email List - the power in stories! Calls to Action (CTA) Example of mine - I share this link everywhere I can! Grab a free Getting Started Guide! It would mean a lot if you subscribe to the podcast and