

We all have a Super Power. Maybe more than one. When you figure out what yours is, then you can use that to your advantage. It’s a strength. Show Notes:   Do a personal inventory to explore what you are really good at.   For me, I am super strong in understanding and mastering my thoughts and mindset. I have tools I use daily and in turn, teach these to my clients so we can work them out of the areas they are stuck - I’m not good enough, who will listen to me; I’m afraid of the camera for social media….and so on.   I am also really good at messaging and story telling, so I use this to create my social media content, and teach the same to my clients.   We all have powerful stories inside of us and from our past. Stories that will resonate deeply and allow us to easily, effortlessly and elegantly attract our tribe to us.   What are those things you are really good at that you can use to your advantage in your business?   Do you have a question