

Is Social Selling Hard? That’s just a thought, and here is my answer to it after being asked this in my Street Smart Wealth Academy. Do you consider it to be easy, or challenging? Show notes: It can be time consuming, for sure. I'm here, 21 years later after taking my business online and it WAS time consuming to learn it. To master it. And, ALL of that is just a thought. It will be time consuming for some, and snap of the fingers for others. It's a choice, in other words. I was old school, too, and I was SICK of old school. I made the decision and committed to learning this new skill set and it totally changed my life. It's what I wanted and what I was seeking. I was tired of: Family Friends/Warm Market Mall Walking Business Cards on Windshields Talking to “everyone” - waiters and such Buying leads Networking groups - I had small kids! I wanted to become the hunted not the hunter . I wanted simple systems for follow up and sharing my business Time