

When bad times show up in a Network Marketing company, many people don’t stick it out. This woman persevered through some very challenging product failures and more, and it has really paid off. Show Notes: I’m Jackie Ulmer, a top earning, award winning expert, helping Network Marketers, coaches and mentors make money, without annoying their family, friends or strangers, and build a thriving social selling business. I’ve sold products and services, and built teams in over 40 countries without leaving my home. If this gal can do it, with no formal training to begin with, so can you. Most people today are struggling with Stare, Compare and Despair when it comes to posting good, engaging content that gets eyeballs, engagement and makes SALES. I’m running a 3 day challenge in a few days and I’ll be coaching you through creating a stunning Impact Introduction that can be used in multiple areas, along with how to share your busin