Solid Cat

Solid Cat: Vegan Cheetah



The world needs a distraction, and Solid Cat is here to provide it. Who are the Hairy Bikers? In Ni Hao, Kai-lan speaking Mandarin or Cantonese? (it's Mandarin) There is a world record wolf howl. Money is literally coming out of someone's wassou. Killer sex robots! McDonald's introduces the McVegan. What are slime eels? And it's food, food, and more food. We had our first Shake Shack experience. We cruise by the International Spy Museum. We enjoy some dining in Old Town Alexandra. The ending of Descendants 2 was tragically anti-climatic. Did Rogue One rip off Spaceballs? I thought we were talking about food? In the Space Cowboy Kitchen, we review Oreo Tempura, and it breaks our rating scale. We finish with a Paws Up to Gordon Ramsey for something truly awesome. Come saddle up to the comedy buffet that is... Solid Cat!