Real Food For Real Life

Episode 6: Tiffany Brande, Whole Fork



About Tiffany: I’m a former Chemist (with a degree in Biology) in my mid 30’s. I live in Northern Utah with my husband, Justin and our three spunky kids. I think it’s pretty obvious that I love food, (yeah, I created an entire blog, Whole Fork, dedicated to it). I spent most of my career running around the globe teaching people how to use portable Mass Spectrometry to analyze all sorts of chemicals. It was fun, and the travel was amazing (hello Cairo, Moscow, Warsaw and more), but my true passion is food and more importantly health. And maybe even more important than that, what motivates us to eat what we eat. I spent most of my life not really worrying about what I ate. I was a really active kid and played any sport I could fit in my schedule. Food had very little effect on my body. I ate when I was hungry, and that basically summed it up. That is until I hit college. I won’t lie, I was still pretty fit in college, but my diet was terrible. A lot of fast food, anything I could eat on the go, and many late ni