Real Food For Real Life

Episode 8: Cassy Joy, Fed & Fit



About Cassy Joy: When asked what she believes is her mission on this Earth, she replies, “I strive to empathize with people.  I thrive when I connect with others in order to nurture them in a way that helps them feel that they are not alone in this world.” This is Cassy Joy Garcia.  Optimistic. Determined. Encouraging. Author. Nutritionist. Self-Motivator. Cassy Joy Garcia is an inspiration to many and has quite a lot on her plate (pun intended). Between her first book, 'Fed & Fit', a weekly 30-minute Fed & Fit podcast, and her healthy lifestyle blog, Cassy’s achievements didn’t rapidly appear out of thin air; they are a result of a tireless journey down windy roads with arduous speed bumps.  Her personal journey has taken hard work, motivation and perseverance. This is her story. Cassy, a 30-year-old native San Antonian, grew up in a loving family with three sisters and caring parents who cooked home-cooked meals, which gave them strength and nourishment needed to fuel non-stop teenage