Real Food For Real Life

Episode 34: Carolyn Ketchum, Easy Keto Dinners



About Carolyn: I'm the writer and recipe developer behind All Day I Dream About Food, a mostly low carb, gluten free food blog.  I have a Masters in Physical Anthropology and Human Evolution from Arizona State University and an extensive background in higher education administration.  I now work from home and parent three young children, and it’s hard to know which takes up more of my time, the children or the blog. The way I see it, I didn’t choose the low carb lifestyle, it chose me.  After being diagnosed with gestational diabetes during my third pregnancy, I began watching my carb intake.  And when the diabetes decided to stick around, I refused to give up my lifelong passion for baking and cooking.  I just had to find new ways to do it.  To my delight, I have discovered that with a little ingenuity and some perseverance, many high carb recipes can be made over into low carb treats without sacrificing flavor. I’ve had quite a bit of success, with a few outright failures thrown in to keep me humble. I star