Real Food For Real Life

Episode 39: Brandi Doming, The Vegan 8



About Brandi and The Vegan 8: "More than 5 years ago, popular blogger Brandi Doming of The Vegan 8 became a vegan, overhauling the way she and her family ate after a health diagnosis for her husband. Her recipes rely on refreshingly short ingredient lists that are ideal for anyone new to plant-based cooking or seeking simplified, wholesome, family-friendly options for weeknight dinners. Each of the 100 recipes uses 8 ingredients or less (not including salt, black pepper, and water) to create satisfying, comforting meals that your family-even the non-vegans-will love. Order The Vegan 8 Cookbook:,204,203,200_QL70_&dpSrc=srch&linkCode=sl1&tag=thve8-20&linkId=de1a2d20e703e6ab1cc3742410fb204f   About eMeals: eMeals is America’s leading online meal planning solution. Wit