Success To Significance | Business Insights And Inspirational Stories Of Success

How To Create Your Intentional Haven of Peace, with Joanne Miller -StS016



Joanne Miller is an entrepreneur who wears many hats and who has focused her life on creating a Haven of Peace for her family, friends and clients. Joanne grew up surrounded by divorce, poverty and occasional violence. She was determined to change her family DNA when she married Dan Miller. Joanne worked to intentionally create a Haven of Peace within their homes, which sometimes meant living in a crowded trailer with young children. Joanne recently published Creating a Haven of Peace: When You’re Feeling Down, Finances Are Flat, and Tempers are Rising. Creating a Haven of Peace provides a formula for creating Sanctuary in your own home. Joanne outlines her approach through attainable steps to creating your Haven of Peace. Joanne is the author of multiple books on creativity, art and children’s themes. Joanne’s success is her leadership in creating and sustaining a Haven of Peace. Her significance is evident in her various roles of wife, mother, grandmother, author, artist, teacher, entrepreneur and nur