Success To Significance | Business Insights And Inspirational Stories Of Success

How One Determined Person Can Change the World, with John McCollum - StS037



John McCollum lives in Columbus, OH with his wife, Kori, and three adopted children, all of whom have been adopted from Asia. Asia's Hope is a Christian non-profit organization that provides long-term, family-style residential care for orphaned children at high risk of sexual and economic exploitation in Cambodia, Thailand and India. Asia’s Hope has 150 employees in 4 countries. ✅ Started out working in a bar, discovered a love of marketing. ✅ Worked for an agency ✅ Started his own company ✅ Got married and adopted their first child and now have adopted three ✅ Growing awareness of needs in Asia ✅ Leveraged his marketing & business skills ✅ Chose to shut down his company ✅ Asia’s Hope runs 30+ orphanages in Cambodia, Thailand, and India   For more information, visit the show notes at http://rickcoplin/how-one-determined-person-can-change-the-world-sts-037