Gas Station Business 101 Podcast - How To Start, Run And Grow A Successful Gas Station Business

GSB-17: How to Add 5 Mini Businesses to Your Existing Business and Generate Extra 1K/Month Profit. Part-2



Welcome to episode 17, this is the 2nd part of 'adding 5 mini businesses to your existing gas station business' series. In episode number 16 I touched on how to add income by adding mini business such as Vape shop, novelty, wine, and cigar or movie rental to your existing business and generate extra sales and profit. Today I want to add 5 other avenues to that theme so all together you will have 10 ideas, but please understand you are not limited to this 10 ideas, there are many other avenues and ways that you can do this. What I am offering here are some ideas that I have tried in our business and seen some positive results and at times great success. You can spin some of these ideas and come up with something better, bigger and or more innovative and creative ways to increase your business. So let's get started here, in today's' episode I want to cover 5 more mini business models all of which can add extra revenue to your existing sales and make you more money at the end of the day. Deli (fresh food) Hea