Gas Station Business 101 Podcast - How To Start, Run And Grow A Successful Gas Station Business

GSB-30: 8 Passive income ideas You can Try and Make Money with. This is How I do it...



First, I want to rectify something I said in the last episode. Remember I spoke about a Facebook group I started, to make it easier for everyone I bought a domain that is easy to remember, which was Shabbir on, and then I redirected that domain to my Facebook group. But three days later I received an email from Face book's legal dept. Asking me to stop and remove that domain for copyright infringement. So I had to cancel that domain.  Now here is a new one for you, type in and it will take you to my Facebook Group. This episode is all about passive income ideas. But first, let me define what is really passive income. Well, passive income is a way to earn money where you are not actively working every day like you are in your gas station business. It is something that set it up once and see that work produce fruit every so often without you doing anything more. So it is more like a hands-off approach. You do work hard at first but then just let it set free and see it produce inc