Gas Station Business 101 Podcast - How To Start, Run And Grow A Successful Gas Station Business

GSB-34: First Q&A Episode | 5 Interesting Survey Questions Answered By Many Forum Readers



This is the very first episode where I will just answer all the email questions and comments I have received recently, as some of you may recall I stopped answering email questions few episodes ago so I can have the whole time to dedicate to the topic of each episode. But didn't want to ignore anyone's questions, so from now on this how I will be answering email questions. Sometimes I get similar questions from a few people, and in those cases, I will just answer one where I will try to cover most all angles so everyone will have their answers. Feel free to send me email questions at or you can post your question on my Facebook Group by going to This a domain name that is forwarded to my Facebook group. Let's get started... The first question is from K. Patel, and he wrote: Shabbir, I love your podcast show, I am getting a lot of new ideas from you, but one question I have after listening to your episode 23 and 29, I was wondering how easy is it to duplicat