Gas Station Business 101 Podcast - How To Start, Run And Grow A Successful Gas Station Business

GSB-44: How to Read, Understand and Indentify Potential Issues in a Commercial Lease Agreement



Welcome to gas station business 101 podcast. This is episode number 44. This is the only show of its kind where we focus on all aspects of gas station business and we discuss, analyze and try to improve the process by trying to see what works and what doesn't. Today's topic a very important one and it is all about commercial lease and how to read and understand this complex document. What to look for as potential problem in these leases. The idea for this episode came from two people, Yash and Jasmine, so thanks to both of you for bringing up such a good topic out front for everyone else. Most commercial leases are complex by nature as it is a legal document but it gets even more complex when it is prepared for a gas station because there are two parts of a gas station business, a convenience store part and then there is the fuel part. To understand this document fully I am attaching a full commercial lease as a sample which you should be able to download from my blog site, by going to the show notes for this