Remote Presence

Welcome to The Shitshow



Well, I didn't think that we would actually do this, but we did.  We crammed five guys into my home office and recorded a podcast episode. Today we had both Sean and Greg, who were joined by Tor, Jamie, and Brian. It started with Sean totally messing up the intro song.  Also, because we had five people with us we had to break out some of the less-good microphones.  As such, Tor and Brian might be a little quiet from time to time, and I apologize for that.  After this, we will be returning to our usual 3-person format! I'm not going to list out a timing breakdown, because frankly, it'll take me time to do that and I am leaving for Iowa Incident very soon and would like to get this published before I leave. We discuss a few topics: Upcoming new releases The new Limited Insertion optional ITS rule Our local event, "The TERRAINIMENT" and what everyone played Dropping out of games Some of our favorite "tricks" in Infinity Social: Twitter: @rempresen